I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Life has been a little more stressful lately.  We are still adjusting and learning to be a family of five, everyone has been tired, everyone is busy going different directions, I have been traveling, Will's sleep schedule has been in flux, work is crazy with the end of the fiscal year/unclear budgets/writing proposals for future funding, normal life stuff but all seeming to occur simultaneously.  All this is going on and it seems we are in a bit of a spiritual rut as well.  We feel disconnected from our Life Group after a summer hiatus and a rough time at getting back connected.  I am missing hanging out with middle school kids and sponsors this summer on mission trips and at amusement parks.  Some of the focus and direction I was feeling earlier in the year seems to have waned.  Normal cycles, normal life stuff.

I read this on a friend's blog today and it spoke to where we seem to be as a family right now.
"Sometimes the best thing to do is be broken. It has to happen, and there is no use resisting it. Being broken means being emptied out a little more. It happens in subtle and not so subtle ways."

This made me consider that maybe we just need to accept our brokenness.  I know that we are broken, the world is broken, creation is broken and only God can redeem us.  It is when we try to hold things together on our own, relying on our own strength and not His, that we get ourselves into trouble.  I too often forget that God is in control, not me.  God Is, I Am Not.

All we can do is pray - "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You...Help, Help, Help...Forgive, Forgive, Forgive".

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