I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Different View of Heaven

Been reading Donald Miller's "A Million Miles In A Thousand Years" this weekend since I have a quite weekend of rest to get over my pneumonia.  It is a good book which I am enjoying very much and a timely read for where I am in life right now trying to figure out "my story".

One paragraph has stuck out to me though.  In a chapter in which Don talks about hiking to Machu Picchu the difficult four day trek across the Andes way as opposed to taking the easy one day hike along the valley or taking the bus and train there he ends the chapter talking about how he believes his view of Machu Picchu is different from those who came the other easier ways.  He describes this difference in this way:

"But the people who took the bus didn't experience the city as we experienced the city.  The pain made the city more beautiful.  The story made us different characters than we would have been if we had skipped the story and showed up at the ending an easier way."

He then goes on to compare this to our view of heaven:

"It made me think about the hard lives so many people have had, the sacrifices they've endured, and how those people will see heaven differently from those of us who have had easier lives."

I have often worried I came to Christ too easily.  I was raised in the church, by Christian parents, had Christian friends and influences all my life, and never really considered not being a part of the church with the exception of a few years in college.  Yet, my faith was not my own and not meaningful to me until I started to truly seek God and his will.  This goes back to the previous post on seeking God's presence I guess.  I have been lucky that God has guided my life and blessed me beyond what I deserve despite the fact that I did not always realize it or acknowledge Him.  Now that I choose to acknowledge Him and seek His face, it seems his blessing and provision is only increased, although on His terms.  It is an exciting, scary, but interesting time.  I can't wait to see what He has planned.

God give me the strength and faith to turn it all over to you.  Let me live like you are truly in control.  Amen.

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