I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I really like this perspective from Donald Miller's "Through Painted Deserts".  We are worried about the wrong things and really they do not matter enough to be be panicked by these things.

"I tend to think life is about security, that when you have a full year's rent, you can rest.  I worry about things too much, I worry about whether or not people like me, I worry about whether or not I am going to get married, and then I worry about whether or not my girl will leave me if if I do get married.  Lately I found myself worrying about whether or not my car was fashionable, whether I sounded like an idiot when I spoke in public, whether or not my hair was going to fall out, and all of it, perhaps, because I bought into Houston, one thousand square miles of concrete and strip malls and megachurches and cineplexes, none of it real.  I mean it is there, it is made of matter, but it is all hype.  None of the messages are true or have anything to do with the fact we are spinning around on a planet in a galaxy set somewhere in a cosmos that doesn't have any edges to it.  There doesn't seem to be any science saying any of this stuff matters at all.  But it feels like it matters, whatever it is; it feels like we are supposed to be panicking about things."

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