I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What if the Gospel was Everything to Us

I was watching a video today about the children of missionaries who went back with their dad to a remote village in Papua, Indonesia where they lived while their parents were taking the gospel there.  They were going back after 50 years to see what had become of the people and what God had done with the seeds planted by their parents.  One statement that stuck out to me was a man saying that they were so thankful for what these missionaries had done and the seeds they are planted, because now, for him, "the Gospel was everything".

What if we lived our lives that way?  What if the Gospel was everything in our lives?  What if we valued the Gospel and what it teaches above everything else.?  What if our our decisions were impacted by the Gospel?  What if nothing else mattered to us but the Gospel and sharing it with others?  What if our lives were portrayals of the Gospel?

This may be a simplistic, naive thought.  But what if it is not?  What if that is truly what we are created to do?  What if we are supposed to live like the Gospel is Everything to Us and nothing else matters?

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