I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Friday, March 22, 2013

When God Asks You To Walk the Other Way

I came across a Word document a few minutes ago where I had compiled several short essays and blog posts along the common theme of the title of this post.  I am not sure where I got all this stuff, but I think it was part of my preparation for a Sunday School lesson.  I think I remember using part of it, but I do not remember what I was teaching on.

Anyway, as usual, my discovery of this information was timely.  I wanted to include it here so I could go back to it.

When God asks you to walk the other way

by SEMISUD-FLEREC on Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 9:44am
by Bobby Lynch

Have you ever had God to ask you to do something a little different? Arturo, one of our students at SEMISUD (South American Seminary), was challenged by God recently. He and his wife are experienced missionaries and church planters from Chile. They came to SEMISUD to study and prepare for future ministry. Maybe to even take a little time to rest as they reflected upon their past years in ministry. Yet God had different plans.
Soon after arriving at SEMISUD, Arturo and his wife participated in one of our church planting courses. During this course, they were challenged by God. They were challenged to put their hands back to the plow and get back to work. Now was the time for work, not the time for rest.
As they were leaving the campus one day, they notice that everyone was walking through the main gate and turning to the right. This would be assumed normal and correct as the town, student houses, and buses are all located to the right of our campus. However, God stopped Arturo and his wife as they were exiting the gate and caused them to look to the left and ask, “What’s over there?”
So Arturo began to ask people where the road to the left went. The guard told him, “No where. There is nothing that way. Unless you walk for over an hour you will see only trees and cows. If you walk for an hour you will come to a little village inhabited by a people who don’t like visitors. Don’t go there Arturo. If you go, you will only find problems.” But Arturo could not deny that God was calling him to go to that town and visit the people. He knew that God was calling him to plant a church in that town!
Several local preachers advised Arturo against trying to plant a church in that village. They said, “Those people don’t want to hear about God. They do not want a church. You and your wife should work with us in our churches or try to plant a church in an easier area.
Don’t go to that village. If you go, you will only find disappointment and frustration.”
Despite the intense discouragement, Arturo and his wife could not shake God’s call to go to this village and share the Good News of Jesus. They had to go. And so they went.
As others had predicted, they did encounter many problems, disappointments and frustration. However, due to their faithfulness and obedience to following God’s call, within six months they successfully planted a church in that village. Today, a year after their attendance in our church planting conference, that church has over 50 members and that church has gone on to plant 2 other churches in two other villages. Arturo and his wife’s credit, our conference and training for giving him the inspiration and ability to plant this church in such a hardened environment. We praise God for men and women like Arturo and his wife that attend our training and use it to introduce more people to Jesus.
If you would like to partner with us in sponsoring one of these conferences, please contact us.

After the Israelites rebelled against God by making a golden calf idol He told Moses He would no longer lead the people into the Promised Land. Instead He would send an angel to lead them there.  This means that it was technically possible for the rebellious Israelites to enter the Promised Land without God.

In the same way pastors and Christian leaders can lead a successful ministry all without God.
“Only one thing will distinguish us from all the peoples on the face of the earth,” said Demian. “It is (God’s) presence.”
Biblical figures like Moses and David wanted only the presence of God. Moses thought it was meaningless to enter the Promised Land without God. David determined that he would not sleep soundly before he found a dwelling place for God.
“Sometimes we think disobedience is only when we hear (God’s voice) and don’t obey,” he said. “But we don’t understand that we break the Father’s heart when we don’t care about what He wants.”
“His longing is that we will walk with Him, He loves to dwell with His people,” said Demian. “That is the character of God.”

Shifting. Challenged. Change.

March 30, 2011 By Nicki 18 Comments

Tonight I sit curled up in my overstuffed-green-chair that sits in the corner of our office. Its very chilly outside and I find warmth and comfort here in the safety of this chair and these pale yellow walls.
Big dreams lay in the layers of my heart and purpose stands knocking louder than anything I could ever imagine.

Then, there’s circumstance. 

The thing that keeps me planted. Staying the same. Never taking the risk. Willing to change directions only if given 100% confidence in the future.

Its much like the rain that quietly drips off my roof-top tonight to keep me cuddled up here in my thoughts.
Safe, like this green chair.

Circumstance…its just enough to make me stay put.

But tonight, the future looks different.

My husband still stands beside of me, my girls still toddle below me. God still whispers His faithful words into my soul.

But something looks…different. 

The truth is, the ground below me feels like its shifting. A little of me, a little of life but a little bit at a time its all…shifting.

I’m challenged to be more than I am today. To strive for greater, to hold onto what’s better.

Truth speaks to me tonight that we just only get one shot at this. Sure, there’s an entire eternity that awaits us the day we take our last breath on this earth. And I can’t wait to see what that’s all about.

But today I hear the voice of God say so loudly…
“You are not overlooked. You are chosen, hand-picked, set-apart and you are here to leave a mark on your generation. Invest into today because you have incredible potential and I see you.” 

And I feel so strongly that He shouts those same words to you my friend.
Today matters.  You matter.  Life…matters.  Invest wisely. 

While many days I wish I could just gaze into the future a few years from now and see what is all ahead, tonight I rest in the uncertainty that life offers. I know that much of what God is doing right now is simply as we say to our girls: “None-ya”. [In other words: none ya business]

These words from the book God-calling said it so well:
“I am here. Seek not to know the future. Mercifully I veil it from you.”

He sees everything ahead so we don’t have to. He is kind, mercifully, generous and loving enough to not let me see what He’s doing. Our job is simply to trust.

So as a girl who is shifting, being challenged and being changed…those promises are more than enough to give me the guts to get out of this comfy green chair and get to the place my heart longs to be.

“Keep company with God…get in on the best.” -Psalm 37:4 

Today, someone just needs to hear that God has chosen you.

That you are His, He delights in you. In a crowd of a 10,000 He reaches down His hands from His throne and says, “That’s my child.” 

As life seems unsettled and we want to drift away from our dreams to realities He invites you to stay. To rest. To keep believing. 

While we think nothing is happening, the greatest plans of our lives are unfolding. There’s always more to see than we do but yet we can hold our place in the confidence of His touch.

Our souls may scream that we are not chosen, not favored and not likely but -His truth shouts louder that its not about who we are, it’s about who He is.

And so we rise up.
We stand as chosen.
We lift our hands and say those words, “Lord, here am I…send me.”
We are ready.

Because as simple as they sound -those words are the invitation to God that we are making ourselves available to Him, His work…His purpose.

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