I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In Need of Repair

The past couple days the brokenness of the world has really been brought to my attention.  I think this has been in the back of my mind for a little while now, but really came to light this past weekend and the following days.  Sickness, pain, death, abandonment, hatred, anger, despair, fear, cruelty, malice...it is prevalent around me, it is evident in the world, and seems to be really in my face lately.
Yet, I was reminded this weekend that despite all the darkness, there is light.That we are supposed to be the light in the darkness shining and reflecting Jesus and God's love.  In his final days on earth, Jesus tells his disciples and speaks to those who will come after (the Church) that the world will know Him through our love for others and our oneness of purpose.  More importantly, we know how this all turns out in the end.  We know the final pages of the story.  Love wins, light overcomes darkness, good beats evil, God wins.


I have to hold on to that thought.  It has to overcome the darkness in my own life and change my attitude and demeanor.  I have to overcome, or at least come to grips with , my own sin and make a conscious effort to shine with Jesus and infect light on those around me.

The famous sermon, one I like to reflect on often, "It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming" really is appropriate here as well.  Although it may seem dark now.  Although it may not seem God is control of the chaos and despair.  There is hope in the fact we know that Sunday is coming and God wins in the end.

1 comment:

  1. More darkness and pain that just does not make sense. Rain, rain, rain on top of that...

    Come Lord Jesus, come!

    Help me find the beauty in the hard things and to reflect your light into the darkness. Lighten the burdens of those being pressed by the evil and darkness and let them feel your presence.
