I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reconciliation Over Condemnation

I started this post last night with the original title of "Tradition and Discontentment".  I was trying to capture the quotes below.

(From Red Letter Revolution - Claiborne and Campolo)
"...rather than trying to throw out our traditions, we need to bring them back to life.  Instead of complaining about the church we've experienced, we are working on becoming the church that we dream of."

"The church needs discontent.  It is a gift to the kingdom, but we have to use our discontentment to engage rather than to disengage."

"Just as we critique the worst of the church, we should also celebrate her at her best."

This morning I changed the title as I think really what is key here is the reconciliation of Christ's church and of people in their relationship with God.  This extends into the whole issue of witnessing and sharing our faith.  Yes, it is important to share the gift of Christ, grace, and love; but we must do so without condemnation in an effort to reconcile humanity back to the relationship God originally intended.  Through this lens (and not the hell lens) it seems to make more sense to me and motivate me more to talk to people about my faith and Christ.  I still think I should be more concerned about people's eternity, but the relationship seems important as well.  Both my relationship with those I am sharing with and their relationship with the creator, a father, and a savior who wants to reconcile the world back to the way it was intended to be.  I don't want to approach people in condemnation (either mine or God's), but with a story of reconciliation (both mine and theirs).  

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