I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Being a Disciple

From "And" by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay

"Disciples expect tension!  They wake up each day expecting the Father will lead and guide their day; they have given ownership of all they have back to God, for him to direct.  They trust God for supernatural provision; they let faith in God win out over safety, common sense, or worldly wisdom; moreover, their relationship with God is deeply integrated with a community of other believers, and they have many relationships with people in the non-Christian culture.  They view Scripture as God's message to a missional people instead of a series of self-help slogans; they pray out of desperation for the circumstances they find themselves in as they walk in the world instead of simply doing things in isolation; and they view the church as a community of fellow passionaries joyfully gathering to see each other, as opposed to strangers they sing songs with once a week."

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