I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Humility, Grace, and Wrath

"It is much easier for me to imagine a praying murderer, a praying prostitute, than a vain person praying.  Nothing is at odds with prayer as vanity"

"Every day I am getting to know people, at any rate their circumstances, and sometimes one is able to see through their stories into themselves - and at the same time one thing continues to impress me:  here I meet people as they are, far from the masquerade of "the Christian world";  people with passions, criminal types, small people with small aims, small wages and small sins - all in all they are people who feel homeless in both senses, and who begin to thaw when one speaks to them with kindness - real people;  I can only say that I have gained the impression that it is just these people who are much more under grace than under wrath, and that it is the Christian world which is more under wrath than grace."

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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