I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Daily Pilgrimage

Finished Patrick Morley's "The Man in the Mirror" today in bible study.  It was an okay book and brought about a lot of good discussion.  The passage below really sums up the book for me though and is one of my favorite from the book.  If we can live this way, everything will fall into place in the end.

"Life is a struggle. Each day is part of a pilgrimage that prepares us for our eternal destiny. Each day we should set apart Christ in our hearts as Lord. Focus on the good you see and hear. Testify, just as a witness to the jury, about the changes occurring in your own life.

Encourage those around you, and meet together regularly for friendship, accountability, Bible study, and prayer. To encourage someone is to inspire them to have courage. Attend church where the Bible is believed and Christ is honored. Join a weekly Bible study group. Form an accountable relationship. Pursue your job as a holy vocation. Remember the poor when you give your resources. Be a faithful steward. Stand against bigotry and racial prejudice. Increase your love for God and for people. Remember, no amount of success at the office can compensate for failure at home."

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