I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Take Time to Connect with People

"Time to think and time to connect with people are as important as getting everything done. Sometimes you have to go slow before you go fast."

I came across this quote in a Leadership and Management post on LinkedIn by Beth Comstock (Chief Media Officer at GE).  It applies to business dealings, but I think it is also pertinent to how we go about our work in the church.  I often (in both my professional and personal life) am so busy trying to meet deadlines, keep appointments, and accomplish my to do list that I forget I am dealing with people and it is probably the relationships with these people that are more important and will have a more lasting impact than the activities we are trying to accomplish.  The same also goes for evangelism and missions.  We must share the gospel and care for the poor and hurting around us, but we also must approach those we interact with as people and build relationships.  This will take time and require investment on our part, but it is those relationships that will be used by God for his glory and to accomplish his purposes, not our trivial actions.

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