I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Creating a Missional Family

James sent me a link to a blog called Live Sent (from the resources page of a book by the same title, I believe). The blog post was entitled Being a Missional Mom. In the post, the author is interviewing the author of a book called The Missional Mom. I liked her answer to the following question for several reasons (highlighted in the text).

In answer to the question "What are 3 suggestions to moms to enable them to create a missional family?":

HELEN: Discuss together with your spouse and your children if they are old enough how, as a family, you could have a more missional presence in three areas: 1) locally; 2) regionally, and 3) globally. As you together consider the needs around your family, and as you prayerfully ask God to reveal how he might want to be using you in those three spheres, you’ll discover a shared sense of calling towards a person or people, or to an area or areas of need. Perhaps you will focus locally, perhaps you will focus on needs in your community, perhaps you will be led to focus on global needs. Each family’s mission will be different and uniquely tailored to their strengths and gifts. The main point is to help your family have an outward orientation and to constantly be asking yourselves, “Lord, how do you want to use us as a family to have an impact on the people and world around us?” A family that is consistently asking that question together will naturally live more missionally.

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