I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

LIving a "Compartmentalized" Life

Thoughts from an e-mail correspondence (5/20/11): 
One thought that has come out of all this is how "compartmentalized" our lives are.  For instance, I am intentional about dividing my time between "family", "church", "work", "neighborhood/community" etc. and each of these "compartments" are subdivided (under church I must serve, be fed, lead, be led, hang out with youth, hang out with life group, etc.).  Rarely do these compartments overlap, although sometimes they do I guess.  Anyway, what I have been led to think lately is that the boundaries between these compartments should be blurred and I should be intentional not about dividing my time between these areas, but instead be intentional about all these areas being one.  When I am at work I should be building relationships and community just as I should be doing when I am active in my community or church and my family maybe should be a part of those communities I am building when possible (I am really just thinking out loud here).

Really I think the bottom line is God should permeate through everything I do.  There should be no distinction between the different areas where my life takes place, just different people I am interacting with.  I should be living my life the same and with the same purpose in all areas.  I am still working this out.  I don't know yet what all this looks like.  That is kind of frightening, but really exciting.  Right now all we can do is just pull back and pray to see where God takes us in all this.

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