I don't know how all these pieces fit together or even if they all go to the same puzzle. Yet, I believe God has started us on a journey that will lead somewhere great.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Worship Through Living

This phrase stuck out to me from the blog post Angela shared with me (how-to-follow-when-youre-called-to-stay) about being willing to go where God calls us, but being called to stay here.  This is a source of much frustration to me as I have asked God over the years to send me where He wants me to serve and it seems like the answer has always been "I want to serve here...where I have put you...that is why I have put you where you are".  I see friends and fellow believers go on to start new church communities, move their families across the state/country/world to follow God's calling, examples of people quitting their jobs and changing their work routines to serve God more fully, and people going to other countries on mission trips, yet when I ask God what now for me, he seems to be coming back saying "you are here for now, you have children to raise, it is not your time now, I have put you among this group of people at this time, be content with what I have given you to do now".

Yet, other things I read (namely Radical) seem to indicate that God demands that I "go to the end's of earth" and it is a "cop out" to say, I am called only to serve here, locally.  So, are we supposed to be globally focused?  Is the great commission a calling for each and every individual or a calling the the body of the Church which each member plays out their role?  Have we compartmentalized missions, like everything else in our life?

I think living "Missionally", which I am still defining in my head, definitely plays into this.  If I live every part of my of my life with the mission of glorifying God and loving others, if I break down the barriers between the compartments of my life, then tmaybe I can live for my local community and the world at the same time.  This then brings me back to having a life characterized by "worship through living".

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